User talk:Jwood1313
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hi there, This page: LabName:Reprints is just a template for what a lab page setup might look like. you'll probably want to change the name to Kupfer Lab:Reprints. Actually you may want to go with the naming convention [Kupfer:Reprints], so that the page will provide a de-wikified version of the site. (you would want to do this for all the pages where you have Kupfer Lab) See these pages as an example:
--Jasonk 13:54, 1 August 2006 (EDT)
Maureen 02:38, 10 August 2006 (EDT) Nice to see another Fanconi lab join us on OWW. Welcome! You have to register your little cluster map to get it to work, if you haven't already (M. Hoatlin)