User talk:Claire E. Lunde/Notebook/Biology 210 at AU

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Your entry started out well with the purpose and methods. You need to add the concentration of rhodamine that you used. I think I forgot to tell you to dilute it, so the initial concentration was different than the later concentration. The major problem, though, is lack of results. First, you needed to say what stage the embryos were when you started. Didn't you start the experiment again after the dishes were spilled? Deanna has data to at least day 7 so I suggest you check with her. LS


16S sequence - good job! Remember to include references for the characteristics of Chryseobacterium. Also, were your sequenced samples from the tet or non-tet plates? LS


Plant lab - The description of the plants was slightly difficult to read, but you answered all of the questions. You need to try to characterize the Genus of the plants. The more information you have about them, the easier it will be able to write your lab report. You may want to include any plants that are already labeled in your transect.

Invertebrate lab - Very good. Make sure you add units to the length (0.1 mm would be very small for a insect, so I'm not sure if you meant 0.1 cm?). Very thorough description of the worm movement. I think you used the compound microscope to look at the planaria (prepared slides) and the dissecting scope to look at the nematodes and annelids, though.

Vert lab - You needed to include classification of the animals from phylum down to species level, and a food web. You are also missing a paragraph describing ecological concepts. LS

1/30/2015 For lab 1 you are missing the aerial map and the list of abiotic and biotic components. For lab 2, I liked the purpose and conclusion statements. You should have included measurements of the lengths of protists and pictures. Also, you were supposed to describe the serial dilution procedure. LS