User talk:Alex A. Cardenas

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Week 7 Journal Feedback

  • Thank you for submitting your assignment on time.
  • Your definitions and outline were complete.
  • Please keep your all your work from the same week's assignment together on the same page without creating any sub-pages.

Kam D. Dahlquist 16:59, 27 October 2011 (EDT)

Week 6 Journal Feedback

  • Thank you for completing your assignment on time and for going back and adding the links.
  • DNA glycosylase is actually a tertiary structure with just one polypeptide chain. You might consider it a quaternary structure because it is interacting with the DNA, but as for the protein itself, it's just one chain.

Kam D. Dahlquist 19:36, 19 October 2011 (EDT)

Week 5 Journal Feedback

  • Thank you for completing your assignment on time.
  • While you linked to an uploaded copy of the article that you found, the instructions were to give the complete bibliographic reference on your page (authors, year, title, journal, volume, page numbers).
  • The narrative on your journal page just summarized your work on your project. An electronic notebook needs to be an electronic record of everything that you did. To see an example of what this would look like, see Nicki's Week 5 page, for example.
    • Furthermore, it is unclear what your contributions were to the research part of the project, beyond interpreting the new journal article that your group found.
  • It remains difficult for me to actually find your assignment pages on the OpenWetWare site because you are not linking to them from your User page. I see that you have added a list of individual journal pages to your template, you also need to add the following:
    • Links to all of the class assignment pages
    • Links to all of the shared journal pages
    • The category BIOL368/F11.
    • You need to actually use your template on your user page so that the links will be there for me to find your pages.

Kam D. Dahlquist 18:30, 12 October 2011 (EDT)

Week 4 Journal Feedback

  • You did not complete this week's assignment; the short page that you posted was late and did not answer the three questions. You did not contribute to the shared journal page.
  • You must link to your journal pages from your user page. Take the time to create a template that has all the relevant links as shown below in the feedback to Week 3 and then use your template on your user page and assignment pages.

Kam D. Dahlquist 18:50, 5 October 2011 (EDT)

Journal Club 1 Outline Feedback

  • Thank you for submitting this assignment on time.
  • Your definitions were complete and cited correctly.
  • Your outline was detailed for the sections you included, but also needed to include a description of each figure and table in the paper and an outline of the discussion.

Kam D. Dahlquist 01:45, 5 October 2011 (EDT)

Week 3 Journal Feedback

  • Thank you for completing your assignment on time.
  • Your journal shows an improvement in the level of detail about your methods and results. To further improve your journals, you could include enough detail so that your procedure could be followed by someone else just be looking at your page. For example, you should link to the instructions for the activity.
  • However, you need to improve your wiki syntax skills in the following ways:
    1. It is very confusing that you maintain two individual journal pages under your name "Alex Cardenas" and "Alex A. Cardenas". From this point forward, you need to standardize on only one of these; you should use "Alex A. Cardenas" since that is your user name on the wiki.
    2. You need to maintain a set of links to ease navigation of your pages. You should add the following to your template and then use your template on all of your assignment pages and on your user page:
      • The category "BIOL368/F11".
      • Links to all of the Assignment pages.
      • Links to all of the Class journal pages.
      • Links to all of your individual journal pages.
    3. The format of your data table is off. Please preview your pages before saving them to make sure that they are showing what you intended.
  • I will provide feedback on the Journal Club outline separately, later.

Kam D. Dahlquist 19:12, 2 October 2011 (EDT)

Week 2 Journal Feedback

  • Thank you for completing your assignment on time.
  • When you make a mistake naming a page, there is an easy way to fix it. Click on the "move" tab at the top of the page, and it will allow you to move the page to its new name. Now that there is content on the new page, though, I would copy your code into Word so you don't lose it, before moving the page.
  • You should be in the habit of using your template to add the needed links to your journal page instead of doing them one by one each time.
  • You need to provide much more detail in your methods and results: tell me what you actually did in more detail, not just a short summary.
  • You also need to say more specifically how you constructed the purple protein and why it is purple.

Kam D. Dahlquist 20:01, 14 September 2011 (EDT)

Week 1 Redux Feedback

  • Thank you for completing the requested changes.
  • However, make sure you sign your comments user talk pages with your wiki signature, ~~~~, so that it automatically puts the link to your user page and the date/time stamp of the comment.

Kam D. Dahlquist 19:53, 14 September 2011 (EDT)

Week 1 Journal Feedback

  • Thank you for completing your assignment on time. There are a couple things that you need to attend to:
    • You need to make a template for yourself and use it on your page. Please ask me in class if you need assistance with this.
    • Please get rid of the stray bullet point at the bottom of your user page.
    • Part of the assignment was to ask me a question on my user talk page that I can answer for you. Please go ahead and do this.
  • You can also feel free to delete the text automatically generated by OpenWetware that is at the bottom of this page.

Kam D. Dahlquist 14:39, 7 September 2011 (EDT)

Hello, Alex A. Cardenas! This is a welcome message from OpenWetWare. By the way, we've announced you on the home page! You can leave messages to any OWW member by editing their User_talk pages like this one. And don't forget to personalize your User Page so that we can get to know you better! We've included some tips below to get you started.

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