User:Steven J. Koch/Kinesin Aggregation
Steve Koch 01:50, 8 May 2009 (EDT): I always found the kinesin aggregation and strong inhibition by ATP to be fascinating, for both technological reasons (how to stabilize kinesin) and also perhaps biological (not knowing anything, is it possible that kinesin aggregation in living cells is ever a problem?). In regards to both of these, perhaps osmotic stress will have an impact on kinesin stability? We did publish the ATP-inhibition of thermomyces aggregation in the Koch_Lab:Publications#In_George_Bachand.27s_lab_with_Susan_Rivera.2C_fungal_kinesin_from_Thermomyces_lanuginosus Rivera et al. paper. But a lot of other data I and Amanda Trent took are buried in our notebooks from 5 or 6 years ago. I recently dug a couple documents up, which I'll link here:
- Showing drosophila kinesin-1 aggregating at a lower temperature than thermomyces kinesin-3 (I think it's a kinesin 3, not double-checking now.)
- Interesting microscopy images of aggregated kinesin (looks to me like beads on a string). Interesting that same structures are seen in kinesin sample that had not been heated, but had been stored at 4C for a while.
Other links
- In this HHMI article, Larry Goldstein talks about association of APP (amyloid precursor protein) with kinesin.