User:Sara K. Mattson/Notebook/Chemistry 671/2016/11/08

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Use fluorescence to examine the rate at which Myoglobin templated gold nanoparticles unfold at pH 9


  1. Sample was made Myoglobin: 0.25mM Au, 12.5uM Myoglobin, 3mL total
    1. Au 3.45mM
      1. (0.25mM)(3.0mL)=(XmL)(3.45mM)
      2. XmL= .217mL= 217uL Au
    2. Myoglobin 133uM
      1. (12.5uM)(3.0mL)=(XmL)(141.2uM)
      2. X=0.266mL= 266uL Myoglobin
    3. 30uL 1mM NaOH
    4. Water
      1. Volume of water= 3000uL- 217uL-266uL-30uL= 2467uL
  2. Absorbance measurements were taken and saved every 3 minutes for 3 hours
  3. The instrument was set at 80 degrees Celsius
  4. The scan range parameters were start at 310nm and ending at 540nm
  5. The emission and exit slit were set at 10nm


Scans AuNP pH 9

Wavelength of Myoglobin AuNp's at pH 9

Maximum Intensity of Myoglobin AuNp's at pH 9

Integrated Intensity of Myoglobins AuNp's at pH 9

Solution Preparation for UV-VIS

Stock Concentrations:

  1. Myoglobin 141.7mM
  1. Silver 34.3mM
  1. Fructose 53.1mM
    1. All concentrations of fructose were redone at pH11

  1. All concentrations of fructose were redone at pH12

  1. pH 5 and 9 were repeated for 0mM Fructose

  1. pH 5 and 9 were repeated for 0.0625mM Fructose

Note: for pH 9 for both concentrations of fructose, 1mM NaOH was used, NOT 1M NaOH