User:Patrick Hampson/Notebook/chem471/2016/10/04

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UV-VIS AG NP 20161004

  • Fructose = 0, 0.0625 mM

Sample Preparation


This graph displays the UV-Vis absorbance spectrum for Ag NP with fructose concentrations of 0 mM and 0.0625 mM. pH of 4, 11, and 12 have the highest absorbance. pH 6 is higher than the remaining solutions, but is still much lower than the three aforementioned solutions.

This graph displays the UV-Vis absorbance spectrum for Ag NP with fructose concentrations of 0 mM and 0.0625 mM. pH of 4, 11, and 12 have the highest absorbance.

This graph displays the absorbance of our samples containing 0mM Fructose at peak wavelength 530 nm. Only pHs of 4, 11, and 12 have significant absorbance.

This graph displays the absorbance of our samples containing 0.0625mM Fructose at peak wavelength 530 nm. Only pHs of 4, 11, and 12 have significant absorbance.

Data Analysis

It appears that silver nano particles were formed at pHs of 4, 11, and 12. For [Fructose]= 0.0m, there could have been some formed at pH 6, but the absorbance obtained is significantly lower than the other three solutions with formed nano particles. All the other solutions formed a milky precipitate. The solutions which are predicted to have formed nanoparticles are the only ones with significant absorbance at peak wavelength 530nm.