User:Matt Hartings/Notebook/AU Biomaterials Design Lab/2016/09/23

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Take fluorescence scans of tryptophan and tryptophan+AuCl3 at 80C and pH 4.


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Stock Solutions

  1. Tryptophan
    1. 3.00 mg tryptophan
    2. to 10.0 mL of water
    3. 204.23 g/mol
    4. 1.47 μM

Reaction solutions

  1. Just Tryptophan (3.0 μM tryptophan pH 4)
    1. 300 μL 1 mM HCl
    2. 6.1 μL tryptophan
    3. 2694 uL water
  2. 3.0μM tryptophan, 0.25mM AuCl3, pH 4
    1. 300 μL 1 mM HCl
    2. 6.1 μL tryptophan
    3. 201 μL AuCl3
    4. 2493 uL water

UV-Vis W samples

I took UV-Vis spectra of the samples before and after the fluorescence scans

Fluorescence W samples

  1. Fluorescence measurements
    1. 290 nm excitation, 10.0 nm slit width
    2. Emission: 310-540 nm, 10 nm slit width
    3. 100 nm/min
    4. 1 scan every 3 minutes

UV-Vis W+AuCl3 samples

I took UV-Vis spectra of the samples before and after the fluorescence scans

Note that there is not a hint of purple color in the sample after the reaction.

Fluorescence W samples

  1. Fluorescence measurements
    1. 290 nm excitation, 10.0 nm slit width
    2. Emission: 310-540 nm, 10 nm slit width
    3. 100 nm/min
    4. 1 scan every 3 minutes

Note: the second to last scan didn't save properly.


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