User:Mary Mendoza/Notebook/CHEM 581: Experimental Chemistry I/2014/10/22

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Preparation of Stock Solution of Bisphenol A

  • 10.4 mg of Bisphenol A (BPA) was weighed by James Schwabacher. The substance was dissolved in 5 mL methanol. Once the solution was homogenized, the BPA-methanol solution was diluted into distilled water in a 1000 mL volumetric flask.

Completion of Exchanged Clay

  • The TBHT and choline chloride clay stored at Dr. Hartings' lab was taken. The solid, exchanged clay was scraped off and stored in scintillating vials.

Suspension of PVA films in 10.4 ppm BPA for HPLC and GC Measurements

  • 18 round PVA films were incised and weighed. These were placed in scintillating vials. The weights were recorded.
  • 10 mL aliquots of BPA were added to the PVA films.
  • Films will be taken out of the BPA solution in the following sequence of times: 5, 15, 30 min, and 1 hour.
  • The remaining PVA films will be taken out of the solution tomorrow.

Weight Measurements for the Dehydrated PVA and PVA-clay films

  • Jacobe Esenther weighed the scintillating vials before and after the addition of the PVA film. The weights will be posted as soon as Jacob updates his entry.