User:Jonathan Cline/Notebook/Melaminometer/Meetings

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  • JC = jcline
  • NYMU = National Yang Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan
    • Chuan-Hsiung Chang's lab
    • Chih-Hsien Yang OWW User:Blent
  • MP = Meredith L. Patterson

2008-11-04 JC+NYMU


  • JC
  • NYMU

Conf call Summary

  • Introductions
  • Capabilities, existing NYMU technology & licensing
  • product goal discussion
  • OWW open source project
  • set next meeting date/time 2008-11-18

2008-11-11 JC+SG

  • Discussion of competitive methods for detection.
    • ELISA
You make a serial dilution and then get a good estimate of your antigen concentration by identifying the dilution at which you can first identify a color change.

2008-11-18 JC+NYMU


  • JC
  • NYMU

Conf call Summary

  • postponed due to travel.
  • set next meeting date/time 2008-11-25

2008-11-25 JC+NYMU


  • JC
  • NYMU

Conf call Summary

  • Introductions
  • NYMU team assignments
  • Discuss NYMU presentation & JC OWW research
File:Melamine Sensor Project 20081125 am11.pptx
    • Custom protein
      • Example, combine light sensing protein in cyanobacteria with melamine receptor for detection
    • Chassis
      • Idea, use ADP1 as it has been proposed before
  • Set next steps:
    • NYMU Want to get current market ELISA kit for evaluation & calibration in lab
    • Need to scope where to get other materials
    • NYMU Need to scope designing enzymes into e.coli
    • JC to investigate creating biobricks from known seqs in research
    • Need to investigate noise issues for detection in sample
    • Need to investigate regulating enzymes
  • Set next meeting date/time 2008-12-04 9AM (TAIPEI time)

JC Wiki Updates

  • Created rough outline schedule on wiki
  • created meeting notes on wiki

2008-12-4 JC+NYMU


  • JC
  • NYMU
    • Chih-Hsien Yang

Conf call Summary

  • Introductions
  • Discuss team work method
    • All data will be on wiki.
    • No secondary mailing list or doc sharing site at this time. All docs uploaded to wiki.
  • Discuss Schedule
  • Discuss current work
    • ELISA kit study
      • Assumed to be more costly than synbio solution, since kit needs purified enzymes in the kit
      • Melaminometer must be better performance than ELISA kit to be successful
    • Enzymatic method study
      • Contradiction between and papers and multiple action from triA
      • Reproduce previous experimental result from 2001 paper; verify triA activity
        • NYMU will request materials from author
    • Antibody method study
      • Need to model this for melamine; find homologues
      • 12227, 12228 from 2001-paper.
      • May be more successful method than pH detection
    • Single plasmid should be possible for the multiple genes; will make fabrication easier
  • Next week's work
    1. JC do patent search for related products
    2. NYMU investigate ELISA kit; two examples:
    3. NYMU define materials required for testing (positive, negative controls)
    4. NYMU compare homologues of melamine deaminase
    5. MP compare homologues of enzymes
    6. NYMU contact author of 2001 for strain availability

2008-12-11 JC+NYMU+MP

  • alternative methods (in vivo and in vitro) - CHC
    • ELISA
    • MEMS (e.g. electronic nose, lab-on-chip)
    • synthetic biology
    • or combinations
  • agenda next week
    • discussion of designs
    • assessment and evaluation of detection methods
    • make a action plan before the end of Dec. 2008

2008-12-18 JC+NYMU+MP

  • Suggestion to recognize physical structure of melamine
    • size
    • charge
    • hydrophobicity
    • Need to duplicate same design method for cyanuric acid too
  • Need to convert thresholds from mg to molar depending on sample
  • Using ph sensor - cells may balance ph leading to detection problems
  • Discussion of using multiple methods together
  • JC suggests NYMU call TW food testing agencies to get their opinion on if/when/how they plan to use ELISA testing - none of the agencies are listed as using ELISA; why?
  • Next mtg set for Dec 25 9am-TW for JC+Blent
  • Next mtg set for Dec 31 9am-TW for JC+NYMU

2008-12-25 JC+Blent

  • Ordering of pure melamine sample:
  • Evaluation of pH sensor in higher pH condition

2008-12-30 JC+blent

  • skipped

2009-01-08 JC+NYMU

  • idea #1
  • idea #2
  • modeling and preliminary experiments
    • sensitivity
    • specificity
    • reaction time

2009-01-15 JC+NYMU

  • where is the market?
  • to have marketing and social impact
    • shorter reaction time (less than 20 min)
    • better sensitivity (outcompete with ELISA)
    • less expensive (less than 5 dollars)
  • to have academic impact
    • novel and new method