User:James C. Schwabacher/Notebook/CHEM-571/2014/09/10

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  • Finish Film preparations from Friday
  • Start preparation of ionic liquid modified clays


  1. The original film preparation protocol was followed
  2. Began organic cation exchange following Dr. Harting's procedure
    1. 1.1046 g of Sodium Montmorillonite was added to a vial
    2. Assuming 92 meq of Na per 100 g, the total eq was 10.16232E-04
    3. Added 0.5251 g tributylhexadecylphosphonium bromide (MW=507.65) to the vial
    4. Added 10 mL of HPLC water and 10 mL ethanol
    5. capped the vial and set to stir for one week
  3. Finished compiling and sorting through data (UV-VIS, FTIR) from last week
  4. There was not enough time to retrieve the DSC data, so this will be completed on Friday

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