User:Helen L. Slucher/Notebook/CHEM 571/2013/10/16

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Test the activity of HRP-NPs for the catalytic conversion of luminol


Stock Solution

  1. Buffer
    1. 0.6140g Tris in 1L, pH set to 8 with HCl ---> 5.1mM
  2. Luminol
    1. Dissolve 12.9mg luminol in 300uL of DMSO
    2. Add to 50mL buffer ---> 1.46mM
  3. H2O2
    1. 312uL 30% H2O2 into 100mL buffer ---> Should be 45mM
    2. Check absorption at 250 source (ε(250) = 16.69 M-1cm-1). A = 0.7392. [H2O2] = 44.29mM