Malachite Green Adsorption
- Prepared Malachite Green (MG) Stock Solution
- old Fisher bottle (oxalate salt, 95% dye content)
- 0.00100 g ± 0.00003 g
- due to static, some MG lost to spatula & bottom of dish (~90% recovered)
- 500 mL HPLC water (vol flask)
- 2.0 mg/L
- Cut 10%NaMT/PVOH Film
- originally prepared by Karlena Brown & stored in HPLC water
- used 15 mL PS falcon tube opening
- 15mm diam x 1.39mm thickness = 0.33621 g (used for dye adsorption)
- second piece = 0.37130 g (used for swelling/water absorption determination)
- Prepared Working MG Solutions
- 0.2ppm, 0.5ppm, 0.8ppm, 1.1ppm, 1.4ppm, 1.7ppm by dilution
- prepared by mass, assuming 1g/mL (100 g total)
- stored in amber bottles & parafilmed (~200 mL of 2.0ppm remained)
- Equilibrium studies
- 10 mL 2.0ppm solutions
- 20 mL scintillation vials w/ mini-stirbars
- 100mg of various clays & cut PVOH sample
- Na-MT, HdPh3P-MT, Bu3HdP-MT, HxPh3P-MT, & HdMe3N-MT
- HdPh3P-MT was most hydrophobic --> floated, with little suspended in water
- Bu3HdP-MT & HdMe3N-MT were not finely ground
- equilibrated 72 h