- Prepare 5 ICP standards for Au (in range of 0 - 200 ppm)
- Dilute all HAuCl4 stock solutions to range of 100 - 1000 uM
- Use ICP to measure [Au] in stock solutions, AuNP colloids, & AuNP fiber solutions
- You need about 2 mL per sample
- AuNP solutions should be measured undiluted
- Remake D2O solutions for tomorrow using dried AuCl3 solutions
- all were stable for one day, so NMR will be conducted tomorrow
- Make one solution per AA
- Use vial of dried Au and add ~ 1 mg AA, 0.1 mL NaOH in D2O, and 0.9 mL D2O
- Measure UV/VIS of whichever AuNP solutions that remained stable