User:Catherine Koenigsknecht/Notebook/Experimental Biological Chemistry/2011/11/09

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  1. Place three test tubes in a water bath at 80C
  • test tube 1: 50 uL BSA 50 uL HAuCl water
  • test tube 2: 50 uL HAuCl 100 uL BSA water
  • test tube 3: PCR tube equal parts BSA and HAuCl
  • After two hours start to cool bath using ice
  1. Place three test tubes in heat block at 80C
  • test tube 1: 50 uL BSA 50 uL HAuCl water
  • test tube 2: 50 uL HAuCl 100 uL BSA water
  • test tube 3: PCR tube equal parts BSA and HAuCl
  1. Place test tube in PCR
  • run at 80C for two hours then decrease 2C every 2 min until the sample reaches room temperature
  1. Run microwave reaction with 400 uL BSA 400 uL HAuCl and water to the top (about 8 mL) at 300 W 80C 30 min
  2. Allow full cool down time


  • This data showed that increasing the ratio of BSA/gold will prevent the formation of purple protein fibers.


  • After an hour purple fibers appear in the dilute solution in the heat block; the small tube and less Au samples have purple solution
  • Hour and a half: PCR tube in heat block has fibers
  • Two hours: purple solution in the less Au sample