User:Anneliese Faustino/Notebook/671 Nanoparticles/2016/09/20

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Solution Preparation

BSA Fluorescence Solution

  1. pH 5
  2. [Au]=0.25 mM
  3. [BSA]=3.125 uM
  4. Vf=3000 uL

Stock Concentrations 160920

  1. [BSA]= 49.1 uM
  2. [Au]= 3.73 mM
  3. [HCl]= 1mM

Volumes for making the solution:

  1. 30 uL HCl
  2. 190.936 uL BSA
  3. 147.63 uL Au
  4. 2631.42 uL HOH


The sample was put in the fluorimeter and measurements were taken every five minutes for three hours.


The chart above shows the emission maximums over time for the solution of pH 5 BSA with gold nanoparticles. A major increase in maximum emission occurs around ~7 minutes and another smaller increase occurs around ~17 minutes. The emission maximum then plateaus around 420-440 nm.

The chart above shows that the integrated fluorescence increases rapidly from ~4000-7500 nm in the first 20 min. The integrated fluorescence then continues to increase more slowly from ~7500-8500 for the next 20 min before reaching an asymptote around ~9000 nm for the rest of the experiment.

UV-Vis Solutions for tomorrow

Stock Solutions:

  1. 14.8 mM Fructose
  2. 49.1 mM BSA
  3. 3.73 mM Au
  4. 1mM HCL
  5. 1mM NaOH
  6. 1M NaOH

Solutions were put in the oven at 80'C and held for four hours.

0.75 mM Fructose
pH μL of 1 mM HClstock μL of 1 mM NaOHstock μL of 1 M NaOHstock μL of AuCl3stock μL of Fructosestock μL of BSAstock μL of Water
4 500 0 0 335 253 316 3596
5 50 0 0 335 253 316 4046
6 5 0 0 335 253 316 4091
7 0 0 0 335 253 316 4096
8 0 5 0 335 253 316 4091
9 0 50 0 335 253 316 4046
10 0 500 0 335 253 316 3596
11 0 0 5 335 253 316 4091
12 0 0 50 335 253 316 4046

1.25 mM Fructose
pH μL of 1 mM HClstock μL of 1 mM NaOHstock μL of 1 M NaOHstock μL of AuCl3stock μL of Fructosestock μL of BSAstock μL of Water
4 500 0 0 335 422 316 3427
5 50 0 0 335 422 316 3877
6 5 0 0 335 422 316 3922
7 0 0 0 335 422 316 3927
8 0 5 0 335 422 316 3922
9 0 50 0 335 422 316 3877
10 0 500 0 335 422 316 3427
11 0 0 5 335 422 316 3922
12 0 0 50 335 422 316 3877

Fluorescence vs. Ocean Optics pH 5