User:Allison K. Alix/Notebook/CHEM-581/2013/04/03
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Objective-Mix hydrogels with remaining indicators (bromocresol purple, phenolphthalein, cresol red) -View hydrogels containing fluorescent dye (R6G) under fluorescent microscope -Prepare new sets of hydrogels ProceduresPart 1: Addition of indicators to hydrogel solutions 1) Add 50μL of phenolphthalein to 5mg hydrogel in 1.5mL buffer prepared on 03/29/2013 2) Add 25μL bromocresol purple to 5mg hydrogels in 1.5mL phosphate buffer 3) Add 75μL 0.02% cresol red to 5mg hydrogels in 1.5mL phosphate buffer 4) Allow time for hydrogels to absorb indicator Part 2: Create concentration gradient for fluroescence calibration of microscope 1) Prepare a solution of 10μL FluoSpheres carboxylate modified microspheres, (0.1μM, orange fluorescent (540/560) 2% solids) in 100μL distilled water (solution 1) 0.2% 2) Prepare the following subsequent dilutions
Part 3: Preparing dilutions of dye containing hydrogels (marked with *) 1) Dilute 2mg hydrogels containing 30μL R6G (supernatant was previously removed) with 400μL phosphate buffer (solution 1)
2) Dilute 200μL 2mg of hydrogel solution containing dye in 1.5mL phosphate buffer (from 3/22/13) (marked with heart) with 200μL phosphate buffer (solution 1)
Part 4: Preparation of hydrogels 1) Prepare the following:
2) Heat solutions at ~110°C for 15 minutes. Allow to cool to room temperature. 3) mix with 40mL safflower oil for 1-2min on lower setting of blender 4) Freeze with liquid nitrogen and place in freezer at -20°C for 24 hours Observations