User:Allison K. Alix/Notebook/CHEM-581/2013/03/01

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Observe hydrogels in solution under microscope

Place hydrogels with R6G in solution and observe fluorescence

Place hydrogels with no R6G in solution with dye to try and get hydrogels to absorb


Observation of the hydrogels under a microscope will allow us to see whether or not they are present in solution.


1) Place a small amount of hydrogels (specific mass is arbitrary as we are only trying to see if we can get them to seperate in solution) in ~20mL of water.

2) Vortex to encourage separation

3) Place a small amount of solution on glass slide (be careful that it is not too concentrated)


Hydrogels after being placed in solution


After many attempts, we have concluded that these are indeed our hydrogels that are seen in the above picture. Our next step is to place liposomes around them.