Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 4/07/08 Minutes
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Minutes BE UG Board Meeting
April 7th 2008
CoffeeHouse (3rd Floor Student Center)
- Welcome and Attendance
- ASA Issues - Bernice
- Associate Advising - Dawn
- Email to 2010's about associate advising reminding them of the program and to email their associate advisor
- Cathy mentioned how Royal East might be a great place to have it. She's going to talk to Linda about it and get back to us asap.
- Tshirts - Renuka/Emilienne
- What did the department say about selling outside MIT?
- How many t-shirts are left in Cathy's office?
- When will we place a second order?
- CPW - Marta
- Academic Fair Friday April 11th 2-4pm Johnson
- Pre-Frosh Course 20 Open House April 11th 4:30-5:30pm 32-144 (2-3 volunteers)
- Bulletin Board - Dawn/Emzo
- Make calendar
- Include updates about Course 20
- Use CPW Board
- BE TA Awards - Marta
- Update from Drew Endy
- Survey Monkey started - but list of TA's and class taught
- Course 20 Open House
- Thursday April 17th, 7:30-8:30pm TBA
- Who can attend?
- Poster to advertise to 2011's
- Organize - food, length of speeches, etc.
- Our advisors want to help us!
- Our newest advisor, Agi (astachow[@]mit) really wants to get involved. Make sure to keep her updated on what we're doing - ie, cc her when emailing Prof Griffith, etc.