Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 3/3/08 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting
March 3, 2008
CoffeeHouse 3rd Floor Student Center
Attendance: Emilienne, Marta, Bernice, Emzo, Dawn, Maryelise, Mike, Anna
- Welcome and Attendance
- Tshirt Update
- 12 extra shirts
- $1522 shirts
- 165 shirts
- T-shirt pick up policy:
- pick up shirt within 2 weeks of study break or contact us
- final mailing address confirmed today
- don't use techcash, easier to use check/cash
- check about surcharge for techcash
- Bernice will look up techcash and reimbursement logistics
- Joint Study Break March 17 6-8pm - assign tasks
- Ice Cream (+utensils), Toppings, Order Pizza, Get Room Key, Email to besb and grad students, Music, Pop (fresca), Tshirt Distributions, Money Collecting, Other?
- grad students will take care of the ice cream
- BE UG Curric - decide members
- 2008: Sonal Sodha
- 2009: Emilienne
- 2010: Renuka Ramanathan
- Associate Advising update
- write emails to AA's, to advisors, to the sophomores
- decide on an amount of money
- $10 per advisee
- take students out just once a term
- have some event in April
- Summary of Meeting with Advisors
- graduate student spring grad school advising event
- still have one this term for juniors (end of April)
- no representative on our board
- still can invite them to our events
- Course 20 Website
- maybe have two separate things for core and restricted electives
- only survey course 20 students for restrictive electives
- more focus on class experience, not teaching
- core classes have more emphasis on teaching, more thorough
- more work on this over the summer, get data for seniors graduate
- CPW (Cathy is our contact. April 11 2-4pm)
- we can make the poster
- graduate student spring grad school advising event
- Bulletin Board - complete before Study Break
- Upcoming BE Prospective Faculty Luncheons
- Wed March 19, 2-3pm Location TBA
- Fri March 21, 2-3pm Location TBA
- Board meeting attendees
- Other
- Next Meeting = March 17 5pm?