Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 2/19/08 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting
February 19, 2008
10:00pm CoffeeHouse 3rd Floor Student Center
Attendance: Bernice, Justin, BE-BMES president, Emzo, Iny, Dawn, Marta, Amy (Grad student)
- SWE Course 20 rep - Maryelise contacted SWE president about the BE UG Board finding someone to fill the spot (and being connected with the BE UG Board)
- Doug Lauffenburger wants to have undergraduates meet with prospective faculty
- He Emailed the BE Board, wanting max of 6 or 7 students
- Soonest luncheon: Friday Feb 22nd 1:15-2:15 56-202
- Attending: Justin, Marta, Iny, Emilienne, Emzo, Mike, Bernice?
- For Future meetings, email besb and let first 5 responses attend if BE Board doesn't have enough people coming
- BE T-Shirts
- Last day to order: Wednesday Feb 27th
- JOINT STUDY BREAK to hand out t-shirts 3 weeks after order date
- undergrads and grad students
- keep leftover tshirts in BE office with list of names - Bernice ask Cathy if she's okay with helping us out
- Emilienne decide about ordering extras - 10% extra sounds about right
- QRST's saves the silk screen so that we can order extras later with no extra fees - perhaps end of semester order as well?
- Open Tshirt Ordering to BE-BMES members
- Study break activity ideas - chat with someone that got the same shirt as you
- Email BE Grad Student Board - Marta
- Thoroughly Plan Study Break Next Meeting
- BME Minor on BE UG Board? - Marta ask advisors
- Associate Advising - Dawn send out email to 2009s
- BE UG Curriculum Board
- Marta email out to besb for interest
- One BE rep per grade (2010,2009,2008)
- Meetings occur 2-3x per semester
- REP also expected to be part of BE UG Board as "Member at Large"
- Senior Dinner
- Set date = Wednesday of Senior Week
- Set location = Museum of Science
- Food = buffet style
- Bernice ask Dan Darling for more details
- Save funny senior awards for BBQ - have Mike and Sasha work on that
- Optional light/omni theatre show beforehand for seniors to attend
- Email Lists
- Maryelise figure out how to update busybeboard@mit.edu
- Maryelise make new busybeboard-exec@mit.edu list for officers
- Study Break Ideas
- Movie night (at theatre) with subsidized tickets
- Movie night (at MIT) with food and projector
- class competitions to get more people to attend
- Bulletin Board - Dawn in charge
- Details: Sign that says BE UG Board
- picture of BE Board w/ names (when we get our tshirts)
- photos of study break events
- section about assoc advising
- suggestion envelope/box
- CALENDAR of BE academic and social things
- Details: Sign that says BE UG Board
- Course Website Idea
- purpose: to have class evaluations that UGs can read to prepare for classes, get students' perspectives, find out the real scoop, etc.
- Marta ask advisors their perspective
- especially want advice on BE electives
- Emzo look into doing course evaluation forms from our BE wiki
- BE UG Newsletter
- not want paper form, prefer PDFs on our wiki and occasional besb emails
- a recap on whats going on with the BE Board, BE Major
- upcoming events and new classes, etc.
- Meeting Schedule
- 10PM Mondays
- CoffeeHouse 3rd Floor Student Center
- Weekly/Bi-weekly depending on what is necessary
- Amy - BE Grad student to help us out
- suggests getting an email account for feedback from our wiki
- to get info on Grad academic events, have Cathy send besb be-academics and be-seminars emails
- Bernice
- MoS Senior Dinner talk to Dan and get details
- ask Cathy for OK to dispurse tshirts/ collect money after joint study break
- email cathy to get be-seminar@mit.edu emails sent to besb lists
- make 2010 class email list
- look up last year’s budget and start planning this years’ by the next meeting
- Dawn
- make 2009 class email list
- email be-academics@mit.edu to get emails sent to best lists
- plan out bulletin board (specific!), be ready for next meeting
- send out associate advising email to 2009s
- Marta
- email Doug/Linda about BE-BMES and BME minor questions
- email Doug/Linda about wiki version of “undergrad guide to course 20”
- email BE students about BE UG Curriculum Board Representatives
- Emzo
- brainstorm logistics for wiki version of “undergrad guide to course 20”
- make 2009 class email list
- Justin
- email busybeboard@mit.edu when know date of next BE-BMES meeting
- Maryelise
- email Sasha Brophy about how to make class email lists non-spammed
- email SWE president and find out about Course 20 rep
- make 2010 class email list
- Mike/Sasha
- think about senior “awards” for end of year BBQ
- Emilienne
- Keep up good work with Tshirts
- be ready for tshirt update at next meeting
- have you thought about extras?