Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 2/17/12 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting
Student Center, 5th Floor
- New meeting time: Thursday evening (7 or 8)
- Start on FPOP
- Everyone: respond to Cathy's e-mail about meeting on March 21
- Associate Advising
- Study Breaks --Treasurer and Campus Relations should take care of planning this
- after 20.330 or 20.310 major assignment due
- in the beub lounge or elsewhere?
- beub lounge
- Jonathon and Matt - talk to Anne or Doug about funding
- Should we survey undergrads about what they want in the lounge?
- Merchandise
- do we want the old design or a new t-shirt design
- design competition?
- make order through QRST
- need a new FPOP t-shirt
- do we want mugs? sweatpants?
- Fraenkel's research contest
- Jonathon - e-mail Fraenkel
- Open house joint with BE-BMES
- Need to start working on CPW stuff
- booth at the midway fair
- BE mixer with different grades
- in the evening
- how much people would show up: contingent on funding
- Grad school talk
- people should start to apply as counselors
- Jenny - send out google-doc/email soon
- should include oddball question/something fun
- more hands on activities?
- more off campus activities
- people should start to apply as counselors
- Dinners/lunches with professors
- talk about research and eat food together
- get dinner with three or four profs (people can apply to participate in this)
- Big brother program
- sophomore/senior or undergrads/grads
- mixers with each other
- Movie breaks
- off campus or comfortable lecture rooms
- Fix up the wiki
- what is the purpose? Is it necessary?
- mainly for beub use
- should we use a different website platform
- E-mail out about meetings to the entire be undergrad population
- attendance from outside the board can't hurt
- will be held in the beub lounge
- can we get food? will entice more people to come