Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 12/01/08 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting Minutes
5:45 pm
Attendance:Jennifer Yeh, Dawn Spelke, Marta, Dawn, Emzo, Bernice
- Welcome and Attendance
- BE-BMES - Jennifer Yeh
- discuss differences
- BE-BMES encompasses any major that is interested in Biomedical
- want to be able to invite freshmen who may be interested in the major
- BE-BMES events
- Merck Poster Session, Johnson and Johnson prize
- Faculty student lunches
- Monthly lecture series
- all campus study breaks
- maybe have Matt Lang resend the letter, upload it with our application?
- figure out how to ensure funding for both groups
- we can try applying for sponsored group, and apply for event funding rather than a whole budget
- we can remain mostly funded by the department (this is a distinction that can separate us)
- we will write up a sheet and get it approved by Jennifer
- discuss differences
- Course 20 Underground Guide - Emzo
- meet with Linda later on, or email her questions
- Associate Advising
- group dinner December 7th, 6-8
- Dawn email the advisors
- Maryelise email the juniors/sophomores
- Invite Sophomores and Juniors
- Mezzanine Lounge, Student Center
- Order RedBones (Dawn)
- Additional "What Classes to Take" Office Hours
- organized by Emzo
- right before comfort food study break - informal
- we could come a little early to be there to answer questions, too
- Finals Study Break (Maryelise)
- Thursdy Dec 11, 8pm.
- Room found in 4th floor Student Center, but Cathy will keep an eye out for a better room
- Comfort food of cookies donuts hot chocolate etc
- Maryelise ask Cathy about ordering from sebastian's
- UG Lounge
- Make it an IAP improvement project?
- are posters being ordered -- over IAP
- Cathy is checking on the link to BE Board from BE Webpage
- Elections
- February (Dawn will run elections)
- Email out before
- add to the mass email
- to BE undergrads
- with all our dates for the rest of the semester
- and information about elections, extra tshirts, underground guide interest
- Senior Dinner (initial planning)
- Faculty club, MIT Catering, Maggiano's, Vinny T's
- family style restaurant?
- Students and Faculty
- Awards (ask Dan)
- MIT groups can rent out MIT Museum on Friday nights for free
- or other days
- bring in our own catering
- Next meeting = at our events next week.
Maryelise:email out about associate advising event, ask Cathy about Sebastian's
Dawn:email advisors about aa event