Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 11/19/08 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting Minutes
Coffee House
Nov 19, 2008
Attendance: Marta, Bernice, Joseph, Maryelise, Emzo, Dawn
- Welcome and Attendance
- Curriculum Committee - no update yet from Cathy or Linda (still)
- ASA recognition -
- need to meet with BE-BMES to discuss differences
- schedule time?
- Tshirts for the semester - Bernice
- set date for tshirt study break
- Course 20 Underground Guide - Emzo
- set up committee?
- how to move forward with this project?
- setting up meeting with Linda
- Associate Advising
- group dinner postponed - official date = Sunday, Dec. 7
- room: try to get 20 Chimney's
- Time: 6-8pm
- What: Redbones
- What to take next semester information?
- Invite sophomores
- Study Breaks
- Tshirts
- Monday, December 1st, 6:30-8
- 56-614
- $10/shirt
- Cinderella's Pizza (Marta)
- Sold 150 tshirts
- Associate Advising
- Dawn will try emailing BMES again
- Study Break
- Thursday, Dec. 11
- 8pm
- Try to get the student center?
- Comfort Food: ice cream, chocolate, coffee, hot chocolate
- Dunkin' box of hot chocolate?
- Sebastians cookie platter
- Tshirts
- UG Lounge
- people have asked for: athena computer, garbage cans, snacks (add to our budget?), other?
- are posters being ordered?
- Link to BE Board from BE Webpage?
- next semester so sophomores can vote
- Dawn can organize
- Other?
- email cathy about getting 56-614 on dec 1st.
- do the finals study break--email cathy about getting a room in the student center, sebastians
- ask cathy about link from the BE Department page
- order pizza for tshirt study break
- cathy: 20 chimney's, redbones
- email grads/undergrads that tshirts are in.
- email BMES