Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 11/09/10 Minutes

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BE UG Board Meeting Minutes
BE UG Lounge (56-046)

  1. Welcome and Attendance
  2. Scheduling again - Tuesdays 7-8 pm
  3. Internship event with Dan Darling - thoughts
    • It would have been nice to have more people. But other than that went well.
  4. Social Events
    • Next Thursday, after 20.320 lecture (11am)
    • BE UG lounge
    • Cosi sandwiches - check with Cathy about budget
  5. Dr. Noubar Afeyan - Joint BE-BMES Event - Kevin
    • A lot of people came. Speaker was good.
  6. BE FPOP - Siv
    • Kevin will email Doodle to BE counselors for when they can do reunion and when they can give presentation to Prof. Lauffenburger.
  7. Elections
    • Kevin will email out asking for platforms for November 13 - give ~3 wks for platforms?
    • Have elections sometime the week before finals - decide definite date next meeting
    • Only people who are BE can vote.
  8. Lounge!!! - read the boards
    • Have asked Cathy for staple, soap and sponge, 3-hole punch.
    • Ideas for decorations?
      • A mural/poster on the wall
      • Paint the BE mooing turtle on the wall - ask Yuan