Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 1/29/08 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting
January 29, 2008
7:30pm Cosi
Attendance: Sasha, Bernice, Dawn, Emilienne, Iny, Mike, Marta
- T-shirts
- Must be put in vector form – ask creator (Mike) if he can do it
- Style: Girly Fine Jersey and Unisex Fine Jersey (for men)
- Order form QRST : ~$10 per person,+ $30 pattern fee (expect BE dept to pay extra costs)
- Extras: Men – 1S, 4M, 4L, 1XL, Women – 2S, 5M, 3L, 0XL
- Mission Statement
- Cool with Current Goals on the wiki (and perhaps tweak the word ‘disseminate’):
- To represent the undergraduate's interests to the BE faculty
- To create a community of students within the major
- To organize social and academic events for BE undergrads
- To identify and disseminate resources for choosing courses, finding UROPs, and learning about life (careers/grad school/med school) after MIT
- Cool with Current Goals on the wiki (and perhaps tweak the word ‘disseminate’):
- Elections
- February 12th 2008 7:30pm 56-614
- Mike send out email saying that:
- anyone can run (we’re not elitist)
- it’s a great way to learn what the board is all about
- platform should include: name, year, why chose BE, why want position
- No speeches, instead have candidates stand and say name and position running for
- Food = subway + cake
- Email professors to hype up in 20.109, 310, 330, 380 (who?)
- Ballots:
- alphabetical candidates
- rank candidates 1 & 2 (in case of ties)
- space at bottom for BE ideas/comments
- For future board meetings, people that come regularly perhaps have:
- board members at large?
- committees?
- semester long positions?
- BE UG Curriculum positions (appoint one 10, 09, 08) [ahem Emilienne ahem]
- BE UG Curriculum Board
- Linda Griffith wants 2-3 people so that at least 1 is at every meeting
- 1 soph, 1 junior, 1 senior – BE UG Board appoint, email out ask if people interested
- Fill spots with preferably board members rather than exec
- Become “Member at Large” must attend BE Board meetings and BE Curric Meetings
- Emilienne ask Linda when first meeting is, and for schedule of meetings thereafter
- Linda Griffith wants 2-3 people so that at least 1 is at every meeting
- Associate Advisor Dinner
- Leave to new BE Board
- Marta email Cathy letter to juniors asking them to be Associate Advisors (+ details)
- Make sure 09s know that their name will be on BE wiki
- Leave to new BE Board
- ASA Application
- Sasha ROCKS because she got us ASA approved last year!
- We have an account - Sasha get deetails of password, name, and website to sign on
- Amy
- Thanks for start BE UG board, call out for members, put together website skeleton, help with tshirts
- Thank-you gift and be shirt when new board takes over
- Thanks for start BE UG board, call out for members, put together website skeleton, help with tshirts
- BE UG Wiki
- No private page – we can deal with that.
- Contact info questionable? – BE UG Exec is posted, so Assoc Advisors should be fine
- post names only, people can use mit website to find contact info
- add to recruiting email notice that names will be posted
- Mike put platform page onto wiki
- List of tutors on wiki – WAIT to discuss until after BE workshop on reg day
- Senior Dinner
- Let new BE Board decide exactly what to do
- Lighter awards for BE BBQ
- Faculty awards for excellence, service, academics
- Seniors vote on awards for each other? – Sasha & Mike say yes
- TA award + Professor award?
- Museum of Science (not MIT Museum) or Aquarium?
- Let new BE Board decide exactly what to do
- Course 20 Dorm Reps?
- No – the major is too small, and if we have a list of ‘tutors’ on Wiki, then advice and help is only a click away
- Sasha’s plug: SWE Course 20 Rep still needed… deadline flexible - email her platform
- Bulletin Board
- Iny look into ASA bulletin board
- Emilienne ask Cathy where bulletin board
Next Meeting: Monday (REG DAY) 4:00pm 56-614
- discuss what to ask about MATLAB tutoring in workshop at 4:30
- plan kick-off event
- email professors to hype up kick-off
- emails to besb-list
- order food (subway + cake from?)
- Sasha ASA password/website
- Dawn ask Mike to put shirt design in vector form
- Dawn order Tshirts
- Mike Platform page onto Wiki
- Mike type up ballots
- Mike email BE-list about elections
- Emilienne email Cathy for list of Course 20 students and Course 20 bulletin board
- Emilienne email Linda for BE UG Curriculum Board Meeting Schedule
- Marta update assoc advising email for juniors and email to Cathy
- Iny ask ASA about bulletin board