Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 09/16/10 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting Minutes
BE UG Lounge (56-046)
- Welcome and Attendance
- Scheduling - Kevin will email out Doodle poll for best times
- Summer Updates
- BE FPOP - went well, students had fun; one suggestion was to incorporate long-term project for whole course of the program, so will need to get EHS clearance next year
- Grad School Info Session - Prof. Manalis
- Will discuss preparation of grad school apps - requirements (GRE's, recommendations, etc.) and deadlines
- Oct. 5th at 7:00 pm, in 56-614
- Food - pizza
- Will have separate event in spring with Course 20 graduate students giving advice - Grad Advising Panel
- Joint event with BE-BMES - Noubar Afeyan Q&A session
- Prof. Lauffenburger wants to invite him to talk about his career path: grad school to startups to venture capitalist
- November 1, 7:00 pm
- Need to book room
- Food - pasta? Kevin will update.
- Internship Event (How to Get An Internship) - Dan Darling
- Anne will email Dan to confirm date and time - October 4, 6, 7, or 8 at 6:00 pm?
- Underground Guide (PDF)
- Distribute by email to mailing lists
- Social Events - tentative dates
- Seniors: October 16, after first 20.309 project
- Juniors: November 16, after second 20.320 exam - lunch from Cosi's, 11-1
- Sophomores: October 13, after first 20.110 exam - ice cream at 7:00 and 9:00, after each exam session
- Associate Advising
- AA pairings have already been sent out
- Random stuff
- Curriculum meeting will be early November
- IBE conference - Dr. Kuldell thinks it would not be a good idea to have a regional conference this year, Kevin will confirm
- Lounge - suggestions for improvements/additions
- Candy
- Unlock the coffee machine
- Paint the walls
- Comfortable couches
- Cory (2012) will prepare email to Prof. Lauffenburger
- Other ideas - faculty dinners with Course 20 professors?