Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 04/20/10 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: 4/20/10
Place: Coffeehouse at *9:30*
- Welcome and Attendance
- Social Events
- Study breaks for sophomores and juniors went well
- Senior Dinner - Maryelise and Cathy are handling
- BE FPOP - skip, Sivakami not here
- Academic Events
- MD panel with Griffith/Isaacson - no updates, probably won't happen, but it SHOULD be on the agenda next year.
- Grad advising event
- Food - pizza and drinks
- Scheduling problems - April 28th is day before 20.330 exam, but May 4 and 5 are bad for seniors/grad students.
- Tentatively do April 28th, 7-9, in spite of exam?
- Need to order room
- Industrial Seminar Series - RSVP for this month's event sent out last week
- Associate Advising - last statement
- Kevin - email AA's to make sure they are doing things with advisees
- Curriculum Meeting - April 30, 11:30-12:30 - Kevin will go
- What would we put on a survey to the undergrads?
- Which restricted electives are you taking/planning to take?
- What are the criteria that you use for selecting BE electives? (Rank: ease of class, subject content, reviews, professor, etc.)
- If BE offered something similar to Biotracks in Course 7, would you take electives more seriously?
- What do you expect to get out of a restricted elective? (Choices: letter of recommendation, minor, an easy A, further exploration of a particular BE field, tangentially applicable knowledge to BE, etc.)
- BE "Stuff"
- T-shirt orders - Kevin has put in the order, will get in by May 5.