Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 04/13/09 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting
Coffee House, 3rd Floor Student Center
- Welcome and Attendance
- Maryelise, Emjay, Bernice
- Associate Advising - email another reminder to AAs
- Bernice will email AAs about drop date (April 23rd)
- Study Breaks
- Drop Date Study Break: 9:30 PM, Be Undergrad Lounge, CHEESECAKE FROM THE CHEESECAKE FACTORY, April 23rd
- Grad School event with Grad Students and Seniors
- April 28th, 7:30pm (56-614 reserved by Cathy)- confirmed by Bryan Owens
- Emzo will talk to seniors
- ROUND TABLE BE ELECTIVES discussion lunch with seniors
- Maryelise met w/ Linda to write up the questionnaire
- Maryelise attended Friday's lunch
- April 15 (12-1pm)--send one rep, Bernice and Alex
- UG Lounge
- posters - Cathy put them in lounge, email about different tape--Maryelise
- Emzo emailing Doug about the GCSF poster
- Cathy is ordering new whiteboards (15x5)
- suggestions box in lounge now - Thanks, Bernice! :)
- BE Gear Ideas
- sweatshirts, winter hat, pencils
- Mugs - Alex - updates?
- Alex will run by next week
- They are really cheap if you get nice "beer" mugs
- coffee mugs are around 10 dollars each
- will they front mugs?
- Cathy has vendor catalogue
- Message on lounge board "BE Tumbler or Mug? Tally"
- Tutoring
- still no response about 20.310 TA's
- Start a pre-orientation program (Emjay)
- Maybe do it with course 10 (Emjay will get more information from the course 9 coordinator)
- Emjay will email Prof. Lauffen. about doing the program
- Emjay will also talk to Orientation people
- On Thursday
- The BioTECH
- Mike Yee/Maryelise wrote about BEUB
- Lunches with BE Faculty
- Lecture Series
- Pre-meeting with proposal/google doc/make a proposal (Bernice)
- Maybe do it with course 10 (Emjay will get more information from the course 9 coordinator)
- Kimberly Bernard
- Bernice--will forward the email about when her info sessions are
- Dan emailed out
- Bernice--will forward the email about when her info sessions are
- Choosing your Major Open House
- Emzo, Emilienne - thoughts?
- Make a Sophomore Rep
- Isaac
- Paul
- Kristin
- Maryelise emailed out and hopefully they will come to next meeting -- YAY!
- Next BEUB meeting = Monday 27th at 10 PM in Coffeehouse
- To Do:
- Bernice: email AAs--drop date April 23rd
- Maryelise: (with Alex) will talk to Cathy about budget, email Cathy about tape
- Alex: Cheesecake ordering
- Emjay: Orientation