Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 03/16/10 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: 3/16/10
Place: Coffeehouse at *9:30*
- Welcome and Attendance
- Scheduling
- Try 7:30 for next meeting (March 30); if that doesn't work, 9:30 for later meetings.
- Social Events
- Junior Study Break - 4/1 (9pm) - smores (Sivakami bring microwave) and ice cream (Vermonster, Ben & Jerry's)
- Sophomore Study Break - April 14th - cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory?
- Academic Events
- MD panel with Griffith/Isaacson
- Still no date set - Kevin will email updates
- Grad advising event
- 7 grad students and at least 3 seniors
- April 28, 7-9 pm
- Talk more about food as date approaches.
- Industry - Dr. Noubar Afeyan
- Nothing set yet
- Prof. Lauffenberger - event is not exclusively Course 20, so should be a Grad Board/BE-BMES thing
- However, BEUB very interested in hosting - Sivakami will contact to help out
- Grad board - Industry Seminar Session
- Grad Board wants us to pay 50% of expenses, but we're not sure, because don't know how many UGs will go.
- Kevin will email out about first seminar, so we can gauge UG attendance.
- Associate Advising
- Need more participation! Some have had events, some haven't even contacted advisees.
- AA's - email advisors to ask for list of advisees, then introduce themselves to advisees.
- Reminder to continually email AA's so that they continue to do things with their advisers.
- AA's have emailed me about reimbursements - Cathy is dealing with it
- BE "Stuff"
- T-shirt orders
- Kevin will talk to Cathy, make preorder survey for preferences
- Cost - subsidize if necessary
- Gestimate 80 people will buy?
- Publicize by taking t-shirts to classes
- Sivakami will get it started
- Kevin will be on campus the whole summer