Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 03/02/09 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting
Coffee House, 3rd Floor Student Center
- Welcome and Attendance
- ASA recognition - Maryelise
- Still waiting to hear back on their decision
- Meeting with BE-BMES to discuss our groups' roles on Wednesday
- Course 20 Underground Guide
- set of questions for survey
- how hard is this class compared to 20.110 or 20.320?
- are the pre-req's appropriate?
- was this class useful?
- Our ideas for implementation:
- use survey monkey for each class
- pay someone to collect and organize data (not likely due to budget)
- put results on BEUG wiki for all to see and use
- get people's info by using websis degree audit to see which classes students take
- set of questions for survey
- Associate Advising
- Email to AAs to see if they have planned anything yet (keep reminding them to do so)
- make sure all associate advisors are utilized (10s and 09s)
- Study Breaks -
- add study breaks for 20.330 and 20.310 test nights to flyer
- flyer to hand out at these events- update them with more information (names, captions, etc), then email out to BE lists
- send follow up emails to get details on what BE students want from Course 20 (what about med school, grad school, internships, etc)
- email Fraenkel, Manalis, Grodzinsky, Wittrup to talk at Grad School info session (with date and time)
- Tentatively April 23rd
- Isaacson Pre-med Event
- Monday, March 9 7:30pm
- coordinate food w/ Cathy? Who is in charge of what? BEUB vs. BE-BMES
- Dan Darling Internship Session
- His availability
- Tuesday, March 3 (must be done by 7 p.m. on Tuesday) - Thurdsay, March 5, 2009
- Tuesday, March 10 (must be done be 7 p.m. on Tuesday) - Thursday, March 12, 2009
- Maryelise/Marta have the excel file of internship info for the wiki--who will post?
- let BE students know that internships are posted in BE Lounge
- His availability
- Scholarship Info Session
- Ms Kimerbly Benard from Global Education and Career Development Center
- Talk about Truman Scholarship, Fulbright, Ph Beta Kappa, Gates, and Rhodes, and Marshall scholarships
- Course 20 senior, Matt Gethers, won a Rhodes scholar this year -- invite?
- ROUND TABLE BE ELECTIVES discussion lunch with seniors
- Fill out questionnaire on (1) electives (2) post-MIT plans
- Disucss whatever you want to - curriculum, life after MIT, professional development...anything, complaints, praise, wild rambling ideas.
- Linda suggested inviting Juniors to one of them to pass on restricted electives info on the spot
- Seniors coordinate dates yet?
- March and again in mid-April?
- Prof. Han recommended week before spring break
- Lunches with BE professors
- Discuss with BE-BMES?
- begin with BEUB advisors? (easy access)
- vary days of week, times, etc - make schedule today
- UG Lounge
- posters - Cathy is laminating
- keep checking on other parts of lounge - i.e. big wall-size whiteboard for tutor room (go through catalog and pick one out, comfy seats to nap, etc.
- need to make specific list (for Fraenkel and Cathy) with whiteboard dimensions, specific couch size, etc to order
- suggestions box - who to donate box?
- Senior Dinner - updates?
- BE T-Shirts - Bernice
- Cathy is emailing out about picking up t-shirts
- BE Gear Ideas
- sweatshirts, winter hat, pencils
- new design for next year
- send out email for a design? for interest? -- next year
- BE Seminars - how get BE students on that email list
- are we getting emails?
- Curriculum Committee
- Updates from those who attended, thoughts?
- Suggestions
- add a class like course 6 has on communications and interpersonal connections (6.uat) which is a 6 unit class that does a better job teaching you things than 20.109 presentation/persuasion skills
- Tutoring
- updates on which classes are covered
- publicize tutoring for all core BE classes!
- 20.111 tutor or not?
- Start a pre-orientation program (Emjay)
- Maybe do it with course 10 (Emjay will get more information from the course 9 coordinator)
- Eli's Petition to Course 20
- Other?
- Next meeting with Linda Griffith/BE-BMES - Wed March 4 9AM in 56-402
- Who's coming?
- Things to bring up at the meeting
- Next BEUB meeting = ?