Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 02/05/09 Minutes (Prof. Griffith)
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BE UG Board Meeting with Professor Griffith Minutes
5:00 pm
Attendance: Professor Linda Griffith, Maryelise, Marta, Dawn, Bernice, Emzo
- Underground Guide
- UROP credit for programming not an option because no learning oportunity
- This can be done manually rather than programming
- Printing out status of registration to see what electives students took
- Degree audit page?
- OpenWetWare survey?
- Survey Monkey survey?
- Printing out status of registration to see what electives students took
- Try having a restrictive elective roundtable event where older students can write down what they've taken, how it wokred for them, other students can ask questions
- Put a big post-it pad in the lounge for students to write comments about restrictive electives
- Curriculum Reps
- The dates will be set this week so that we can arrange ahead of time for people to attend
- For one of the meetings, try larger curriculum meeting with a lot of students to get maximum input
- Try to focus on professional development
- Lunches with BE Professors
- BE-BMES can interface with the National Organization
- Professor Griffith will have a meeting with the BE-BMES advisors
- Our events
- BE Admissions resources: Prof. Grodzinsky, and Prof. Wittrup
- be sure to get people who have been on admissions committees for at least 3-4 years
- We should address what the pre-med advising office isn't telling students/helping them with
- MD/PhD resources: Prof. Niles, Prof. Dedon
- Prof. Griffith will help us find MD's for an info session
- Also look at non-traditional career options after BE
- Other
- Plan on meeting every 3 weeks with Prof. Griffith