Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 02/02/10 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting Minutes
Date/Time: 2/2/10 10pm
Place: Coffeehouse
- Welcome and Attendance
- Scheduling
- Best to schedule during the week, but not sure about class schedules yet
- Doodle poll later in the week
- Social Events
- Sophomores (maybe something after the first 20.111 test or 20.109 project). What else do sophomores typically take?
- Juniors (something after our first 20.330 exam)
- Seniors?
- Wait until major class schedules are set
- Best to have it immediately after at least one class
- Bigger study break for all the classes?
- Thursday the 18th at 12:00-1:00, lunch for everyone
- Academic Events
- MD thing with Professor Griffith
- Dr. Isaacson
- Email Prof. Griffith
- See if can do joint event with BE/BMES – Hattie and Jessica
- Joint event with BE-BMES about deciding between course 7, 10, 20, etc
- March 9 evening (7 pm?)
- Will help BE/BMES execs, maybe sending student representatives
- Grad school panel with undergraduates and grad students
- Ask Bryan Owens, graduate student
- Talk more at later time
- Senior Dinner?
- Wait for Dan Darling to email
- Associate Advising
- Advisers/Associate Advisers communication
- Cathy: juniors should not email advisors
- Email Cathy, ask what to do
- Maybe ask Cathy to ask advisors to email list of students to associate advisors?
- AA events with their advisees
- Ragheb will ask Cathy about budget
- New email list
- BE_aa_2011 - contains email addresses of AA's this year
- Email out list of AA’s and advisors to students, so they know who to contact – bypass faculty
- First Curriculum Meeting
- Either Tuesday morning or Friday noon, Prof. Manalis will email
- Kevin and/or Ragheb can go
- Professional Development and BE electives
- email survey to all classes for opinions
- Elizabeth ’10 suggested setting up alumni network, interested in consulting
- Dan has database of contact info, publicize
- Leftover from last semester
- IBE conference this Saturday!!!
- Everyone is welcome to poster session and keynote in afternoon, Maryelise will email
- Underground Guide
- Make pdf more accessible online and easier to compile
- Survey/questionnaire for topics
- Email classes at end of semester to ask about their experiences with electives
- BE Stuff
- Email to ask people if they want new t-shirts
- Lounge additions
- Stapler
- Printer hard to get
- Extra board here, need to install
- Did we miss anything?
- Note: will have $500 in budget for IBE conference