Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 01/27/09 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting Minutes
6:00 pm
Attendance: Maryelise, Marta, Dawn
- Welcome and Attendance
- ASA recognition - Maryelise
- did Matt Lang give us his letter of BEUB approval
- emailed asking him to give Maryelise a hard copy on RegDay
- did we write up the differences between BEUB and BE-BMES
- sent to mailing list (board add to it this week)
- deadline is Feb 13th
- drop down to "sponsored"
- did Matt Lang give us his letter of BEUB approval
- Course 20 Underground Guide - how make this happen?
- get a committee together
- ask Prof. Griffith about funding to pay for someone to code it up
- Associate Advising - Maryelise
- set up matches for 10s to be with each advisor
- AA's names were included in the 2011 advisor packets
- Maryelise to email out to AA's their advisor match this week
- What to do with your advisees:
- ice cream
- coffee
- MIT sporting event
- order food
- go out for breakfast
- hang out in BE lounge
- go to a science seminar
- check out the MIT museum
- take an elective together
- design the next BE t-shirt
- make sure all associate advisors are utilized (10s and 09s) - how?
- Study Breaks - Marta
- announce dates on reg day
- flyer to hand out at these events- at student meetings and Prof. Griffith's talk
- included in '09, '10, '11 advisors folders to hand out on reg day
- responses as to what BE undergrads want:
- Maryelise printed out compiled wishes
- To Add
- internship digest
- post internship opps. to our wiki
- Elections - Dawn
- email again to remind people to update the wiki, etc.
- Tuesday, second week of classes
- 6:30pm
- Lounge
- sell remaining shirts at elections
- Food - Subway + cookies
- UG Lounge
- posters - did Cathy purchase them?
- still waiting to hear back from her
- keep checking on other parts of lounge - i.e. coffee pot, big wall-size whiteboard for tutor room, comfy seats to nap, etc.
- suggestions box, how set this up?
- shoe box, cover in paper (email out to busybeboard for a shoe box)
- posters - did Cathy purchase them?
- Senior Dinner - Dawn
- response from Dan?
- BE Shirts - Bernice
- Cathy is emailing out about picking up t-shirts - when?
- Other?
- find out about seminar emails (Dawn)
- other BE gear -- sweatshirts, cold-weather hat, pencils
- Next Meeting = with Prof. Griffith next week.
For Cathy:
- meeting with linda
- lounge items
- t-shirts
- ask if dan would talk at an internship seminar
- payments for the course 20 underground guide
- BE seminar list
- Does Dan want us to do anything for the senior dinner