Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 01/21/09 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting Minutes
8:30 pm
Attendance: Marta, Maryelise, Dawn, Bernice, Ying
- Welcome and Attendance
- ASA recognition
- write up the differences between our organizations
- get Matt Lang to send us his email
- deadline is Feb 13th
- drop down to "sponsored"
- Course 20 Underground Guide - how make this happen?
- get a committee together
- Associate Advising - Maryelise
- Cathy will email me later with the student:professor ratio
- email out to get preferences from AA's
- Study Breaks
- announce dates at the reg day
- make a flyer to hand out at these events--at student meetings and Prof. Griffith's talk
- email out to see what people want for their study breaks--Marta
- Elections - DAWN in charge
- email again?
- Tuesday, second week of classes?
- sell remaining shirts at elections
- Food - Subway + cookies!
- UG Lounge
- decide on posters - TODAY
- Imagination
- Elephants Butt
- Beach
- Cell receptors
- Periodic Table of Elements
- get them laminated
- keep checking on other parts of lounge
- decide on posters - TODAY
- Senior Dinner - updates, not yet
- Dawn email Dan
- BE Shirts - Bernice
- Cathy is emailing out about picking up t-shirts - when??
- Setup Meeting time with Prof. Griffith
- Potentially Tuesday, Feb 3rd - time?
- UG feedback from "what do you want from course 20 email":
- more emails about internship opportunities maybe
- ping pong in the student lounge!!!
- does it have a coffee maker? that would be really nice
- its kinda unfortunate that we can't sleep in it because the couches are kinda short
- get comfortable furniture, a poof?
- cosi sandwiches are good food for most events
- we could branch out from royal east for dinners
- free coffee/tea in ugrad lounge??????
- a big white board in the TA/Study room
- put a suggestions box in the lounge, chalk board at our events for comments
- Decide events and tenative dates for the semester
- academic events
- Internship (last week of Feb)
- Grad School Admissions Officers give a talk
- Grad School Panel (with grad students, combine with admissions officers?)
- how you choose between grad schools
- social events
- Elections (first week Feb)
- Welcome Back (elections!)
- Movie Night
- After-test study breaks (look at the syllabus)
- End of the year senior goodbye lunch?
- pick dates for flyer for Reg Day meetings with advisors
- academic events
- Next meeting = Tues. Jan 27th, 6pm
- Other?
- Meeting with Professor Griffith-email out to students, what do you want us to relay to her?
- Feb. 3, 5pm (tentative)
- Internship info session
- ask Dan Darling to speak
- Last week of Feb. (tentative)
- Meeting with Professor Griffith-email out to students, what do you want us to relay to her?
- Maryelise:
- write up ASA differences
- ask matt lang to send me his email
- email cathy about meeting with linda
- send Cathy the poster links, ask to get them laminated
- Dawn:
- email about senior dinner
- Marta:
- make up study break flyer