Undergraduate BE Board:Minutes - 01/14/09 Minutes
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BE UG Board Meeting Minutes
5:30 pm
Attendance: Marta, Maryelise, Dawn, Bernice, Kyle
- Welcome and Attendance
- ASA recognition
- Talk to BE-BMES advisor again
- Get things rolling for spring
- Write out differences between groups
- ask Matt Lang to send another email
- find out next ASA deadline
- Course 20 Underground Guide ...Table?
- meet with Linda later on, or email her questions
- Emzo is coming back in late January
- Dawn email Cathy/Emzo
- Associate Advising
- who in charge to make list of 10s that want to advise--Maryelise
- Study Breaks
- announce dates at the reg day
- make a flyer to hand out at these events--at student meetings and Prof. Griffith's talk
- email out to see what people want for their study breaks--Marta
- Elections - DAWN in charge
- do it soon to get people thinking?
- Dawn will email out - THIS WEEK
- Deadline for platforms is reg day
- Have elections that following week
- Tuesday, second week of classes? Tentative
- sell remaining shirts at elections
- Food - Subway + cookies!
- positions, jobs, meetings, time commitment, etc.
- do it soon to get people thinking?
- UG Lounge
- decide on posters
- all pick out top 3 this weekend and decide next week
- get them laminated
- keep checking on other parts of lounge
- decide on posters
- Senior Dinner - updates, not yet
- Wed. June 3rd?
- Shirts
- Cathy is emailing out about picking up t-shirts - when??
- Setup Meeting time with Prof. Griffith
- Potentially Tuesday, Feb 3rd
- Maryelise email cathy
- Dawn is free after 1pm
- Other?
- End of the year senior lunch
- Next meeting
- Wed, Jan 21, 5:30pm
- Maryelise:
- email cathy about meeting with Prof. Griffith
- look ASA recog. date
- setup election page for Dawn
- Dawn:
- email Emzo/Cathy about underground guide things
- Marta:
- email out about what study breaks people want
- Bernice:
- email Cathy about selling the rest of the shirts