Undergraduate BE Board:Agendas - 9/16/10 Agenda
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BE UG Board Meeting
BE UG Lounge (56-046)
- Welcome and Attendance
- Housekeeping: Scheduling meetings and our Budget
- Summer Updates?
- BE FPOP... feedback?
- Grad School Info Session with Scott Manalis
- Tuesday, Oct. 5th 7:00pm
- 56-614
- Food - there will be Pizza
- is there any interest in contacting Course 20 graduates who are currently in graduate school and asking them to speak at a separate event?
- Noubar Afeyan event (joint with BE-BMES)
- Lauffenburger is trying to get this venture capitalist to come speak to our students.
- Date and time have been set: November 1st at 7pm
- Food - we want to do pasta, Kevin will update with more info as this thing gets planned with BE-BMES
- Internship Event with Dan Darling
- Date/Time?
- Underground Guide
- Cathy compiled into PDF Form
- Distribution?
- Upload onto the website?
- email?
- Social Events
- set up tentative dates
- Seniors: something after 20.309 first project?
- Juniors: Something after 20.320 first exam?
- Sophomores: something after 20.110 first exam?
- Associate Advising
- AA pairings have already been sent out
- remind AA's to do things for their advisees
- Random stuff
- Find out when Curriculum meeting will be held this term
- IBE conference?
- Lounge
- additions?
- Other