Undergraduate BE Board:Agendas - 9/10/08 Agenda
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BE UG Board Meeting
September 10th 2008
Couches on 2nd Floor Student Center
- Welcome and Attendance
- Grad School/ Fellowship Info Session
- Sept 16, 7:30pm, 56-614
- who reserves the room
- who emails out
- ASA recognition
- consitution
- Dawn talk to office?
- Tshirts for the fall
- Bernice talk to Emilienne?
- Course 20 Underground Guide
- Emzo on access?
- Associate Advising
- Royal East Dinners
- Oct 29, Nov 5, Nov 6
- Study Breaks
- Exploring the Majors Fair
- October 20, 3:30-5p Kresge Lobby
- need 2-3 volunteers
- if we want to put together a slideshow, let BE know
- UG Lounge
- open ~Sept 17
- Other?