Undergraduate BE Board:Agendas - 4/23/08 Agenda
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BE UG Board Meeting
April 23rd 2008
CoffeeHouse (3rd Floor Student Center)
- Welcome and Attendance
- Associate Advising - Dawn
- Luncheon moved to May 4th
- At Royal East
- Who will email out for reservations?
- ASA - Mike/Bernice
- Tshirts
- Current shirts - Bernice
- How many are left?
- Are they being sold?
- Selling new shirts - Emilienne/Renuka
- Put onto public website?
- Second round of MIT orders?
- Current shirts - Bernice
- Grad Student info for Undergrads Study Break - Dawn
- Date, Time, Place
- Which Grad students will talk to us
- Ensure no professors talk, just grad students
- Make it an all ASA event
- TA Awards - Marta
- Drew Endy
- Course 20 Survival Course Critiques - Emzo, Mike
- Course 6 said they'd give us their code
- We need to meet with them and our advisors to plan things out
- Sub-committee for this project:____ _______ _______
- BE Bulletin Board - Dawn/Emzo
- CPW poster fit in space allotted?
- Add calendar, etc
- Senior Dinner - Bernice
- TA Awards
- Senior Goofy Awards