Undergraduate BE Board:Agendas - 3/31/08 Agenda
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BE UG Board Meeting
March 3rd 2008
CoffeeHouse (3rd Floor Student Center)
- Welcome and Attendance
- Associate Advising
- Dawn - updates
- dinner study break - get the word out ASAP so that associate advisors can attend
- time
- place - nicer room than 56-614?
- food
- seating - tables and chairs instead of desks?
- publicity
- CPW Academic Fair - Friday April 11th 2-4pm Johnson
- one week from Friday!
- Marta poster for easel
- working on it Saturday 4pm
- Info Sheets from Cathy
- Pens, sharpies, etc
- Email for volunteers: _____
- Wear BE tshirts
- Bernice, what did Sasha say?
- Are we able to reserve a better room for AA dinner event?
- Curriculum Committee update
- Emilienne, any progress from Linda?
- BE TA Awards
- Drew Endy wants us to head the voting process
- Marta will explain
- Bulletin Board
- Dawn, Emzo, how's the progress?
- Course 20 Open House
- after April 10th:
- Wednesday April 16th 4-5pm
- Thursday April 17th 7:30-8:30pm
- FOOD - cookies and ice cream sundaes
- Get more professors to come to small talk after speech
- Get a few grad students' COOL FIGURES to talk about and show off
- after April 10th:
- Other?