Undergraduate BE Board:Agendas - 2/12/08 Agenda
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BE UG Board Meeting February 12th 2008 56-3rd floor 5:30pm
- Tshirts
- decide on design
- let BE students know the problem
- figure out how to deal with it
- Iny show print-outs of designs
- ASA updates
- password: beboard
- sn: busybeboard
- reserve rooms: web/campus_activities/www
- BE Curriculum updates
- interest already expressed by a sophomore
- BE Associate Advisors
- how advertise for more?
- Dawn – did you email the people on the list from Linda Griffith?
- BE UG students meet with possible BE faculty
- Doug proposed Friday Feb 22, 12:30-1:30
- Through email Dawn, Emilenne, Mike and Marta agreed to have the times alternate between 10:30-11:30 and 12:30-1:30 (multiple faculty possibilities will visit) to capture all possible BE UG Board members.
- No collective to response to Doug yet - Who emails him and with what time?
- Senior Dinner
- Museum of Science
- Title of event?
- Date - May 14th or Weds of Senior Week?
- Idea from Non-BE Board member:
- Class email lists (w/o profs or admins)
- BE Seniors have one, as does Course 16
- Increase class bonding, homework help, etc.
- Next Meeting – when?