Undergraduate BE Board:Agendas - 10/25/10 Agenda
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BE UG Board Meeting
BE UG Lounge (56-046)
- Welcome and Attendance
- Grad School Info Event with Scott Manalis - thoughts?
- Internship event with Dan Darling... - thoughts?
- Social Events
- First one, Oct 13th after the 20.110 exam - Kevin.
- 10/28 at 1pm. Let's do Pizza in the 20.309 lab - Kevin will take care of it.
- After the 2nd 20.320 test - some sort of food - BE UG lounge - Anne/Rageb?
- Dr. Noubar Afeyan - Joint BE-BMES Event
- I've been chatting with Hattie and Jessica - the poster has already been made
- November 1st; 7-8:30pm in room 56-114.
- We are footing the money for the food.
- BE FPOP - Siv/other counselors need to create a presentation for Lauffenburger
- Curriculum Meetings
- November 15th - anyone here is invited to come and see what the faculty members talk about during these
- Elections
- Date/type of food/location (normally BE UG lounge)
- A deadline to email out people asking for platforms!
- Anything else?