Undergraduate BE Board:Agendas - 1/31/11 Agenda
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BE UG Board Meeting
BE UG Lounge (56-046)
BEUB Transition Meeting
- To represent the undergraduate's interests to the BE faculty
- To create a community of students within the major
- To organize social and Academic Events for BE undergrads
- To identify and disseminate resources for choosing courses, finding UROPs, and learning about life (careers/grad school/med school) after MIT
General Introduction:
- Wiki: http://openwetware.org/wiki/Undergraduate_BE_Board
- Frequencies of meeting: Usually twice a month (doodle for time/space)
- President: Write up agenda on wiki, run meeting
- Secretary: Take minutes on wiki
- Treasurer: Meet with Cathy Green to go over current funds, set up budget
- VP: Helps president with day-to-day activities, in charge of the BE FPOP
- BE lists: besb-11, besb-12, besb-13, besb-14 (Cathy will approve messages)
- Our mailing lists:
- busybeboard@mit.edu - all course 20's who wish to be updated about BEUB
- busybeboard-ug-exec@Mit.edu - all undergrad exec members
- busybeboard-exec@Mit.edu - Exec + faculty sponsors
- Gmail account: busybeboard@gmail.com
- Lounge
- in charge of ordering things for the lounge, get requests from students
- Office Combo
- Be Admin events
- help out Scott, Natalie at info sessions during registration
- Activities Midway for Orientation and CPW
- Contact Scott Manalis, Linda Griffith, and Natalie Kuldell to introduce yourselves
- Associate Advising
- Get a list of Advisors from Cathy Greene
- Recruit Juniors to volunteer to be AA's
- Match them up and make sure people get reimbursed, etc.
- Study breaks (normally each class gets one after some bug project/test); should be 1 per class per semester at least
- Also, we have been getting requests for more mixers between classes, just fyi
- BE Stuff
- tshirts - I think we still have a lot
- mugs - we are out
- any other ideas that you want to have stuff for (pens, sweat pants, travel mugs, flip flops)
- Grad School Panel (April)
- Get a panel of BE grad students and 2010 seniors who just finished
- grad contract Bryan Owens (Anne will know who to contact)
- Med School Panel
- Joint with BE-BMES last year
- Talk with Professor Griffith to get ideas
- Open house event for Freshmen
- Joint with BE-BMES last year
- get faculty from similar majors (20, 10, 7, 5, 3) to discuss the differences
- should be done before freshmen declare majors
- Goodbye Dinner for Seniors in May (Kevin can take care of this if necessary)
- Curriculum Meetings
- Contact Scott Manalis about when these will be held and if the BEUB can do anything to help
- Ask Sivakami if you guys need help
- Recruit counselors EARLY
- This MUST happen this year. Last year meant a 2-year commitment
- Faculty Grad School Talk
- Usually Scott Manalis leads this talk in the spring
- More of timing/financials of grad school
- Internship Information Session
- Talk with Dan Darling about acquiring an internship
- Elections: you know how this works