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Using this Template

This is a template designed to work as a reference tool. As long as you have a section called "References" (e.g. === References ===) somewhere on the page, then this can be used to put in hyperlinks to that section named by you. For instance typing the following:

"The repressilator ({{ref|Elowitz & Leibler, 2000}}) is a synthetic ring oscillator formed of genes and promoters"

then it would come up like so:

"The repressilator (Elowitz & Leibler, 2000) is a synthetic ring oscillator formed of genes and promoters"

With the reference linking to the "References" section below. You can of course use numbers or whatever you like to name the references.

You may wish to use this with the Reference Formatting Template I made which will automatically format your references for you given the title, authors, year and so on.


  1. Elowitz and Leibler, 2000