Talk:20.109(F13): Mod 2 Day 3 Prepare for LTS
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COLD-PCR product gels
T/R Section
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Lanes are loaded the same for each team HCC-827 exon 19, HCC-827 exon 21, SKOV3 exon 19, SKOV3 exon 21:
- Top gel #1:
- Lane 1: 100 bp MW ladder
- Lane 2-5: White
- Lane 6-9: Blue
- Lane 10-13: Red
- Lane 14: Aneesh
- Bottom gel #1:
- Lane 1: 100 bp MW ladder
- Lane 2-5: Orange
- Lane 6-9: Pink
- Lane 10-13: Yellow
- Lane 14: Aneesh
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- Top gel #2:
- Lane 1: 100 bp MW ladder]
- Lane 2-5: Green
- Lane 6-9: Purple
- Lane 10-13: Platinum
Note: The T/R gel was completed before PCR purification.
W/F section
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Lanes are loaded the same for each team HCC-827 exon 19, SKOV3 exon 19, SKOV3 exon 21:
- Top Gel:
- Lane 1: Low Molecular Weight ladder
- Lane 2-4: White
- Lane 5-7: Blue
- Lane 8-10: Red
- Lane 11-13: Orange
- Bottom Gel:
- Lane 1: Low Molecular Weight ladder
- Lane 2-4: Pink
- Lane 5-7: Yellow
- Lane 8-10: Green
- Lane 11-13: Purple
Note: The W/F gel was completed after PCR purification.