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About UsThe Streptomyces community at the University of East Anglia consists mainly of two labs, those of Gabriella Kelemen, and Matt Hutchings. Other labs in the university use Streptomyces as a research tool; Richard Bowater located with us in the School of Biological Sciences and Rebecca Goss in the School of Chemical Sciences and Pharmacy. The groups at the UEA also work in conjunction with those at the John Innes Centre. Further information on their research can be found on the JIC Streptomyces coelicolor and Microbes in Norwich sites. GeneralThe Univeristy of East Anglia is located in Norwich, Norfolk, UK. It has links with many other research institutes including the John Innes Centre, the Institute of Food Research, and The Sainsbury Laboratory. Together with the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, these institutes and the university form Norwich Research Park. |
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