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CASE Complex Systems Biology Center
A brief introduction to the online filing system and tips for this wiki can be found here.
A private wiki "whiteboard" has been set up for confidential discussions.
The AML Systems Biology group meets every Friday, with alternating locations in the Wolstein conference room (WRB 3-522) and the Olin conference room (OLIN 408). Meeting time in WRB is 9:00 to 10:00 am, while meeting time in OLIN is 9:30 to 10:30 am.
Papers being discussed
- Disruption of Differentiation in Human Cancer: AML Shows the Way
Nature Reviews Cancer, 2003
Daniel Tenen (Tenen)
- The Role of FLT3 in Hematopoietic Malignancies
Nature Reviews Cancer, 2003
Derek L. Stirewalt and Jerald P. Radich (Stirewalt Radich)
- Cross-talk and decision making in MAP kinase pathways
Nature Genetics
Megan N McClean, Areez Mody, James R Broach and Sharad Ramanathan (McClean et al)
- Compartmental Architecture and Dynamics of Hematopoiesis
PLoS ONE, 2007
David Dingli, Arne Taulsen, Jorge M. Pacheco (Dingli et al)