Quint Lab:Lab Members
kathrin denk (research technician) - kdenk(at)ipb-halle(dot)de carla ibanez robles (phd student) - cibanez(at)ipb-halle(dot)de marcel quint (group leader) - mquint(at)ipb-halle(dot)de julia bellstädt (phd student) jana trenner (phd student) - jgentkow(at)ipb-halle(dot)de philipp janitza (phd student)
former lab members - current position anja raschke (phd) - postdoc at holger deising's lab at the martin luther university halle-wittenberg nadine schumann (phd) - research scientist at KWS Saat AG kristian ullrich (phd) - postdoc at stefan rensing's lab at the university of marburg nina dombrowski (diplom) - phd student at the Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (schulze-lefert lab) steffi mull (research technician) antje hellmuth (diplom) - phd student at the IPB (calderon lab) stefan ettingshausen (diplom) - now at teva pharmaceuticals anja serve (diplom) - phd student at the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems (Chair of Bioprocess Engineering) valeska hauptmann (diplom) - phd student at the IPK Gatersleben (AG Conrad) elke hillert (research technician) |