Prince:Add User for NFS
Mirror the server ID numbers
ssh into and get your user id number, your gid (this is your main group) and any other group ids that you belong to and need NFS mapping into.
id -a
- princelab = 3861
- student-research = 4000
- research = 5000
- faculty = 6000
Create groups if necessary
Use the same chem network name to create a user and ensure that they have the same:
- username
- user ID
- major group is the same
- also belong to princelab
This may require dancing around the Add user / Add group menus a bit. Double check that all of these are set properly!!
check that
id -a
has all of these set. If you have to, alter /etc/passwd and /etc/group to get the proper id's.
chown -R <user>:<maingroup> /home/<user> # e.g.: chown -R amakaju:student-research /home/amakaju
Create automounts
copy the script in lab/bin/add_nfs_automount.rb to your directory (there are issues executing on the lab mount as root) and run it to add auto mounts.
This is what the script does with the user name "silly":
Appends this line to /etc/auto.master:
/home/silly/chem /etc/auto.silly --timeout 600
Creates a file /etc/auto.silly:
home -fstype=nfs,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,tcp sunserver:/home/students/silly lab -fstype=nfs,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,tcp sunserver:/groups/research/princelab lab_vault -fstype=nfs,soft,intr,rsize=8192,wsize=8192,tcp sunserver:/groups/vault/research/princelab
- the nfs mounts are visible only when they are accessed
- create a soft link:
ln -s (nfs mount source) (path to soft link)
abc@xyz:~$ ln -s /home/eee/foldername /home/eee/traget
Mounting the Orbitrap
Ryan used this Wiki page to solve the issue by mounting the orbitrap drive to the fstab.
You can access it by:
ln -s /media/orbitrap (local orbitrap location such as ~/orbitrap ) <\pre>