Physics307L F08:Interactions

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Physics 307L, Fall 2008

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This page may serve as a sort of Q&A or message board for students and instructors.

Chemistry open notebook science competition

Steve Koch 13:36, 29 December 2008 (EST): Hi all, Jean-Claude Bradley (A pioneer in open notebook science (ONS)) alerted me to an ONS competition. The contest is to measuring the solubility of compounds in organic solvents and record everything using ONS. It has a prize of $500 and is probably a lot of fun. I do think it requires access to a chemistry lab, and not being a chemist, I'm not really sure how difficult the measurements are. I know at least a couple of you have access, so I thought I would post here. Here are the links:

Slides from today's lecture

Steve Koch 14:38, 8 December 2008 (EST): In case you want to look at them again, here are the slides from the end of today's lecture: File:Physics307L F08 Career Advice2.ppt.

Excel sheets for the weighted mean / random number generation lecture

Steve Koch 19:01, 17 November 2008 (EST): I've uploaded the excel sheet for today's class. You can find them here: Physics307L F08:Schedule/Week_13_agenda#Supporting_Excel_sheets

Summer Research Opportunities

Steve Koch 10:37, 8 November 2008 (EST): Among an amazing array of very cool physics education things I am learning about, I learned of a good resource for finding summer research opportunities for undergraduates: COMPADRE summer research.

  • Manuel 12:38 am, 15 Nov 2008 (EDT): Hey yeah, this is a pretty cool site! There are some pretty good summer research opportunities. How competitive are they?
Steve Koch 13:58, 15 November 2008 (EST): They are somewhat competitive, but I think you would have a good shot. It would be important to find one where you'd enjoy spending the summer. You can email the adminstrators of programs you are interested in to ask for more info. I'm happy to answer more questions too! Summer research can be a lot of fun and is a great way to get experience, build your resume, and figure out whether you'd enjoy a research career.

Fitting a line

Steve Koch 01:21, 4 November 2008 (EST): I uploaded the excel sheet from today's class, and you can find it on this page. I am very interested in hearing if you find this excel sheet or today's lecture helpful. Please post comments here, or email me!

Finance Lab

Steve Koch 02:14, 7 October 2008 (EDT):Hey all: As mentioned in class today, I am thinking that some kind of finance data analysis lab would be a really good thing for us. I've started some thoughts on this page: Physics307L F08:Labs/Finance. Please let me know what you think! I am thinking we can maybe start up this lab as early as next week.

--Anne Ozaksut 23:54, 9 October 2008 (EDT) Ohmigod, what a USEFUL AND WAY-FUN LAB THAT WOULD BE!!!! I DIG IT!

I was just sittin here, making a personal budget for the rest of the year, thinking about how damn good I am in excel now, and how the stuff I learned in 307L helps me like, every day, and I wanted to check on my old page, just to see if I'd feel dumb or smart in retrospect... and, it doesn't really matter, does it? I came out okay.


I work in finance now and it's so cool! It's like physics, but with a purpose :) just kidding...

I just called Matt Depaula to reminisce with me about 307L but he didn't pick up... booo! Anyhoo. I left him a message about this moment. He'll like it.

Ummmm that's all. Hope all is well. Have a good class! Hi Dan!

Steve Koch 12:59, 10 October 2008 (EDT): Hey Annie, great to hear from you! Once your blog went password protected, I lost my RSS feed, so I had lost touch. Interesting to hear that you work in finance now. A lot of physicists end up there and their training comes in handy. It's also really great to hear that you think 307L was (is) beneficial to you. And the vote in favor of the finance lab really makes me think it's a good idea--just wish I knew how to implement it! Oh well, we'll figure it out, just like you all figured out what was going on last year in the early weeks of Junior Lab chaos.

A couple example programs

Steve Koch 00:16, 7 October 2008 (EDT):Here are the Excel and LabVIEW files that I showed in class today.

Welcome to Junior Lab!

Steve Koch says: It's nearing the end of the first week of Fall 08 classes, and I hope you're all enjoying things so far. I enjoyed meeting you this week and I'm excited about working and learning with you this semester. As I mentioned during lecture and lab this week, there is an assignment due before Monday September 8. See this page for the assignment:

Physics307L F08:Assignments/Wiki assignment 1

Also as a reminder, we will not have class on Monday or Wednesday because of Labor Day. The TA, Aram, and I will be in lab on Wednesday from 2-5, and you are welcome to come by for help with wiki editing, or to start playing around with the oscilloscope lab. Additionally, you can contact me to setup another time to meet during the week if you'd like help with the wiki editing or to discuss anything.

In addition to the above wiki assignment, you should click around on the other parts of the wiki. It would be good if you take a look at the course goals. If you have opinions about the goals, post a message about it on the talk page! Or on this "interactions" page.

Have a great three day weekend and see you a week from Monday!

Monday / Wednesday labs

Steve Koch 15:34, 25 August 2008 (EDT): Dan Young said he can possibly switch to Wednesday if someone needs Monday desparately.

Welcome to Physics 307L!

Steve Koch 12:50, 25 August 2008 (EDT): If you want to ask a question or post a link that is relevant to everyone, please use this page! Add the page to your watch list by clicking the "watch" tab above.

Link to previous year

Old posts from Fall 2007


  • Justin Roth Muehlmeyer 18:54, 30 August 2008 (EDT):This is Justin Making a comment. If any one has anything to say say it here I suppose.
  • Jason O Archer 15:08, 2 September 2008 (EDT):
  • Chad A McCoy 20:12, 3 September 2008 (EDT): Since we are apparently supposed to make a post here or something, greetings!
  • Paul V Klimov 23:43, 5 September 2008 (EDT):What's up everyone?
  • Arianna Pregenzer-Wenzler 00:56, 6 September 2008 (EDT):Check it out, I managed to replace the picture of me that was taken the first day of class with one a client e-mailed me taken on my birthday back in May. It would have been taken sometime over the course of the 13 hour day I worked prior to the phys 330 final.
  • Boleszek 1:50 am, 8 Sept 2008 (EDT):Well, I've managed to be an excellent procrastinator. It's almost 2 am on the Monday this was due and I am only now posting this comment. No, I'm not proud of myself.
  • Manuel 2:21 pm, 8 Sept 2008 (EDT):Yeah, i'm a little late too, but I didn't know what the hw was until like 2 min. ago. So what's UP!
  • Garrett 2:25 pm, 8 Sept 2008 (EDT):Like Manuel I too found out about the hw just now