OpenWetWare:Software/Projects/Lab Notebooks/Technology
Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) Products
Desktop Applications
iPad ELN
What is it?
(ipad's Electronic Notebook Overview)
iPad is a powerful, simple, flexible and free Electronic Laboratory Notebook for all those who take and use experimental research notes: researchers, technicians, group leaders, and R&D directors. It improves the management of research-related information in order to save time, improve collaboration, and help people to treat the results of their work with the respect that they deserve.
Other systems force people to make a choice between 1) flexible but unstructured data entry, or 2) useful but rigid organization. By contrast, data entry within iPad is as flexible and simple as using a regular document editor, while the result is a well-structured information that is easy to manage, communicate, and analyze.
Mekentosj LabAssistant
(Mekentosj Labassistant Overview)
LabAssistant is a scientific program developed to help you organize your experiments instead of using multiple timers, stickies, and a labjournal that you have to organize all manually.
Key Features
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Get your life organized - LabAssistant makes your life so much easier while working in the lab. You no longer have to keep track of multiple timers and forget about important appointments.